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Farmers Reminded of Changes to LESS Scheme Terms

LESS: Revised Terms and Conditions

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) has reminded farmers of changes to the terms and conditions of the Low Emission Slurry Spreading (LESS) scheme. Under the scheme's revised Terms and Conditions, which will come into effect on the 1st of January 2024, farmers spreading 150kg/N/ha per annum will be deemed ineligible to apply for funding.

What the Minister said

Speaking last week on this change, Minister Charlie MacConalogue said: 
"Applications for LESS, which are submitted in advance of this date will be based on the terms and conditions that exist at that time." 
In practice, this means that some farmers currently farming at above 150kg/N/ha will be able to avail of LESS scheme payments, while others will not. The change to the terms and conditions will likely motivate many farmers to submit their applications for LESS before the New Year. 

What is the Low Emissions Slurry Spreading (LESS) Scheme?

The purpose of all Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Schemes (TAMS), including the LESS scheme, is to enable farmers to improve the quality of buildings and agricultural equipment in use on their farms. LESS payments will be granted to farmers to facilitate the purchase of new equipment for spreading slurry. The scheme will fund the purchase of more environmentally sustainable technology for spreading slurry, with the aim of reducing volumes of ammonia and other nitrogen emissions from soil.